Sideshow Swap!

Created by Cannonball Arcade, LLC

A THRILLING deduction game based on cunning and chance. Almost always has surprise endings! From the underbelly of the circus world.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

almost 6 years ago – Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 01:30:18 AM

YES!! Another stretch goal unlocked!

Nicely done! Thanks to you, we'll include a beautifully designed performer reference sheet, complete with back stories, in every copy of the game! Keep your eyes peeled for the next Flash Stretch Goal, but in the meantime, continue spreading the word about Sideshow Swap! As you know, more backers means better stretch goals!!

Earn a FREE extra copy of Sideshow Swap!

Get 3 people to back us and get an additional copy for free! Email or check out our Facebook page for more information and to get started.

Thanks for #200!

-Phil & Adam

New Heights!
almost 6 years ago – Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 01:30:12 AM

$10,000 - THANK YOU!!

We can't say thank you enough for helping us take this where it's going! You are the best! 

Now, vote on which stretch goal you want unlocked!

Because we've reached $10,000, you get to help decide which stretch goal we unlock next! Go HERE to vote. Voting Ends Tuesday, April 23.

Referral Program Update

Let's spread the love a little faster! From now on, if you refer just 1 person and they back Sideshow Swap! on Kickstarter, we'll give you FREE USA shipping (or $5 off international). If you refer 2 people, we'll throw in a second copy of the game - FREE! Email for more information.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Votes are in!
almost 6 years ago – Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 01:29:44 AM

Democracy at it's finest! Daisy the Bearded Lady was busy tabulating the results from all of the surveys, and with 71.6% you all have elected to unlock the Black Core cards for the latest stretch goal. Premium stuff indeed, may you all shuffle and swap these cards to your hearts' content.

We're into the final third of our campaign, and again, can't thank each of you enough for your support. We hope you've had fun with this You Decide Stretch Goal. Know that your involvement will forever be imprinted on the game.

Speaking of which, since it was so much fun last time, we wanted to showcase another Flash Stretch Goal: We've been holding auditions, and with extra support, we can hire one more performer. See our Stretch Goals section for details. Beg, borrow, and share to get your friends to come to our page.

- Phil and Adam

P.S. We added a new post to share to make it easy. See it here.