Sideshow Swap!

Created by Cannonball Arcade, LLC

A THRILLING deduction game based on cunning and chance. Almost always has surprise endings! From the underbelly of the circus world.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Final Act
over 4 years ago – Tue, Sep 08, 2020 at 07:57:40 AM

Thank you all so much for your support throughout this journey that has been Sideshow Swap!  We, Phil and Adam, have been flabbergasted by all of the kind messages you've shared, and it's been so much fun to hear about how our game has made it to your tables while you've spent time with family and friends.

Name Change

A bit of housekeeping on this one: We have changed our company name from Cannonball Arcade to Almost Midnight Games. We're going to continue to make more games, and we wanted to make it more apparent that we were a physical game company.  Our future games will be made under the Almost Midnight Games brand, but we can continue to use this Kickstarter profile to let you all know about them.

Everyone Loves A Deal

As we've said before, we have licensed Sideshow Swap! to Games by Bicycle and are excited to have them bring the game to a larger market.  We do have a few copies left, so we're offering you all a special deal on the base game and the Shenanigans Expansion - we can ship both to you for $12.  This offer will only last until September 15th or until supplies last.  Afterwards, Sideshow Swap! will not be available until the mass market version gets released.

Thank you as always.

- Adam and Phil

Quick Update - International Shipping
almost 5 years ago – Wed, May 13, 2020 at 06:50:21 PM

International Shipping Delays In Transit

Keeping this brief, but we wanted to let you know that there seem to be delays on the transit end of international shipping. While all pledges were fulfilled and left Michigan, USA back in March, it appears that some items are still en route.  For example, per the Australia Post, they say "We’re experiencing significant domestic and international delivery delays due to limited flights, social distancing requirements and increased parcel volumes. Thank you for your patience."

TIP: The USPS tracking number may work in your country's postal tracking system too.

We hope all of your packages arrive as soon as is safely possible.  We appreciate your patience as the postal carriers are dealing with this global event, ensuring their safety is the first priority.

Adam and Phil

BIG News!
almost 5 years ago – Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 11:22:45 PM

Hitting the Road!

Sideshow Swap! is a fun, family-friendly game accessible enough to non-gamers, yet strategic and engaging for heavier gamers too. We worked really hard on it, payed attention to the details, and worked out the kinks to make the game what it is today. It's been put through the ringer by play testers, reviewers, our backers... everyone.

As such, we are pleased to announce... are you ready for this? ... that Sideshow Swap! ... wait, let us polish our boots and straighten our lapels ... has been ... **DRUM ROLL PLEASE** ... licensed to The United States Playing Card Company!! You know, the fine folks that make Bicycle Playing Cards?! They love it as much as you do. So much so, they are making their own version of it under the Games by Bicycle(TM) brand!


Now what does this mean exactly??? For now, not much, except it makes the copies you have truly limited edition copies and maybe even collectables! You can expect the future, USPC version to have some differences and different performers, but the quality will match what you've come to love and expect.

We will be selling the remaining LIMITED First Tour Editions and Shenanigan Expansions that we have produced on our website and on Amazon (once they start receiving non-essential products again) until around September or once we run out of inventory. It's also available at these select retailers. If you know anyone who wants a copy - send them our way, we'd be happy to take their money. ;) The USPC version is not expected any time before 2021, so you better hurry, because once they're gone, they're gone!

-Phil & Adam

That's a Wrap! A Million Thanks!
almost 5 years ago – Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 09:46:37 PM

From the very bottom of our Sideshow-y hearts, to our families, friends and our backers - THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!

With triumphant horns blasting in the background we are proud to announce that all copies are en route, or already in your hot little hands. It makes us so immensely happy to hear all of the nice things you're saying about the game, we could not have done it without your help. We hope it will bring you as much happiness as we have had making it.

Enjoy the 'Show?  Let us know!

We are a small, independent company and your reviews are our lifeblood. After you've had a chance to play it a few times (preferably with more than 3 people - it's a party game after all...), do us a huge favor by rating Sideshow Swap! and writing a couple kind words on Board Game Geek - it's kinda like Yelp for board games, but better, because you know, it's about board games.

We will continue to post on Sideshow Swap!, but for more news about our upcoming projects, please Like our company page on the good 'ole Facebook:

Sideshow Swap! is Here!!
almost 5 years ago – Wed, Mar 18, 2020 at 10:56:59 PM

Drum Roll Pleeeeeeeeaaaasssseeeee!!!

After over 50 days and an unbelievable 14,000 miles in transit, we have finally received the lion's share shipment of Sideshow Swap! It's been inspected, repacked and about half of the rewards been shipped. You will begin receiving your copies soon! Whoo-hoo!! Check out some photos and read on for important information about your rewards. 

Cartons upon cartons of sweet, delicious Sideshow Swap!
Jam-packed to the brim with beautifully crafted shiny boxes.
Don't forget the expansions - boxes of mischievous fun!
Oodles and Oodles of Sideshow Swap!

Important Details About Shipments and the Elephant in the Room: The COVID-19 Impact

Join the Cast Reward Level

Amazon has stopped receiving inbound shipments from most FBA sellers until at least April 5, including us. This matters because we planned to fulfill $20 Join the Cast pledge levels through their fulfillment center and this will certainly cause an unpopular delay to that segment of backers. The reason for this boils down to the fact that all other pledge levels had multiple SKUs from multiple vendors and it was cheaper for us to package them together and ship from Detroit. Since it's impossible for us to estimate when we can get these to Amazon, we have decided to pack and ship your copies as soon as we can. We don't want you to wait any more than you should! We've ordered more packing materials to accommodate this and will get them out the door ASAP (but realistically, expect about a week).

Don't Panic, But Local Pickup Has Been Cancelled 

Due to government restrictions and local business banning large gatherings, we are unable to have pickups at coordinated times at local game shops. We've already begun hand delivering copies, and will reach out to the rest of you and coordinate when we can drop off copies to your porch. Think of us as better smelling, more good looking mail dudes. We are hoping to get all these out in the wild by the end of the month, but it will take time to organize this effort. 

Retail Launch Party Postponed

For the same reason as the local pickups, we are forced to suspend our plan to have a release party at our friendly local game store. If it still makes sense to do so in the future, we'll let you know.

There's More?!

Expect more news from us on the fulfillment front later and how you'll be able to get additional copies for your friends. Oh yeah, there's that other thing we want to talk about....Next time maybe!